CSV Self-determination Plan image

Self-determination Plan

The Court Services Victoria Self-determination Plan 2021-2025, Yaanadhan Manamith Yirramboi, shows our commitment to Aboriginal Victorians and to working together on very significant matters.

The Plan sets out the expectation of CSV to create a Koori inclusive environment for staff, Koori agencies and the Koori Community in Victoria. It is evidence of our commitment to embracing the principle of self-determination and moving to action.

The CSV Plan sits alongside the Self-determination Plans of the courts and VCAT, and CSV commits to supporting the courts and VCAT to realise their Plans.

Building cultural awareness and competency capability across all areas of courts and VCAT will strengthen respect and understanding of the cultural values, traditions and customs that underpin the essence of CSV's Koori staff and the Koori Community accessing court services.

CSV's Plan adopts the four priority areas, or self-determination enablers, as set out in the Victorian Aboriginal Affairs Framework 2018-2023, that establish a strong foundation of the CSV Self-determination Plan:

  • Prioritise Culture
  • Address Trauma and Support Healing
  • Address Racism and Promote Cultural Safety
  • Transfer Power and Resources to Communities.


What is Self-determination

The term self-determination means different things to different people in our Community, however ultimately, we share a vision that sees communities self-managing and determining their own futures. This means we must move away from deficit models and lead with innovation to reform the way business is done with the Koori Community.

CSV understands that Aboriginal self-determination encompasses a spectrum of rights necessary for Aboriginal Victorians to achieve economic, social and cultural equity, based on their own values and way of life.

Courts Council and CSV support self-determination in courts and VCAT. The underlying factors ensuring the successful implementation of self-determination plans across the jurisdictions are:

  • strengthened accountability structures,
  • cultural safety, and
  • inclusive and effective Koori engagement in all policy processes.

CSV Self-determination Plan 2021-2025

The title of the CSV Self-determination Plan, Yaanadhan Manamith Yirramboi (phonetically: yaarn-a-darn man-a-mit year-am-boy) is derived from the language of the Boon Wurrung people of the Kulin nation. The meaning of these words is "strive for a better tomorrow" and were provided to Court Services Victoria through the Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages.

This page was last updated: Thursday 15 July 2021 - 11:17am